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W1 : FULLY BOOKED - NO LONGER AVAILABLE Einar Jarmund (Norway) Graduated from the Oslo School of Architecture in 1987. Einar earned his Master’s degree from the University of Washington in Seattle. Einar taught and worked in Seattle, and has taught in Oslo and Bergen, and was a visiting Professors at Washington University in St. Louis, at University of Arizona, Tucsonand at Rhode Island School of design, Providence. Einar shared a professorship at TH Lund, Sweden from 2007 to 2013. Einer together with Hakon Vigsaes founded Jarmund/Vigsanaes Architects in 1996. more

W1 theme : Wood is in itself probably among the most sustainable materials available. It is in itself a considerable storage of CO2. Wood is easy to manufacture, and well suited for modern production methods such as CNC milling. The workshop will focus on development of a simple spatial structure made out of wood. View workshop W1 proposal (PDF)



W2 : FULLY BOOKED - NO LONGER AVAILABLE Prodromos Nikiforidis and Bernard Cuomo (Greece) established the award-winning firm Nikiforidis Cuomo in 1986. Among its projects include an apartment building in Paris, the Cultural Center and Theater at Menemeni and Technopolis in Thessaloniki. The firm has won numerous architectural competitions including the EUROPAN 2 Competition and the Thessaloniki seaside promenade. In 2009 they received the Architecture Prize for 2004-2008 by the Hellenic Architectural Institute. more

W2 theme : Public school 24 & 36 High School Gymnasium and 23 High School Lycee on Kassandrou street will be the subject of the workshop. A survey and understanding and re-design of the school based on guidelines of sustainability. View workshop W2 proposal (PDF)




W3 : FULLY BOOKED - NO LONGER AVAILABLE Michiel Smits and Gie Steenput (Holland) Michiel Smits studied building engineering in Breda, Netherlands  (Baronie College), Interior Design at the St. Joost University, followed by a Bachelor in Architecture at the AVANS University and a Master in Architecture at the TU Delft. Lecturer at AVANS University, he is the Chairman of Back2Africa Foundation and owns his own company, MWM Architectuur.

Gie Steenput (Holland) studied architecture in Antwerp, Hasselt and Leuven. Worked at the offices of Charles Vandenhove, Liège, Belgium, and Aldo and Hannie van Eyck, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Since 1990 he is Professor in Architecture at Avans University of Applied Science, Tilburg.

W3 theme : Autarchic (self-sufficient) design solutions for all (Greek & refugees) - to design interventions in Thessaloniki that increase the self-reliance and resilience of both inhabitants and refugees.  View workshop W3 proposal (PDF)


W4 : FULLY BOOKED - NO LONGER AVAILABLE Natalia Pantelidou (Greece & Denmark) & Elias Messinas (Greece) Natalia Pantelidou was born in Thessaloniki, Natalia earned her Architecture degree from the University of Thessaly in Volos. In 2013, she completed a MSc in Landscape Architecture from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. Has worked both in Greece and Denmark, for construction and landscape projects, has written numerous articles for magazines, such as Topos, participated in international competitions, design workshops and exhibitions and has worked as an Artist In Residence in Austria. 

Elias Messinas is an architect and environmental consultant, member of the AIA, graduate of Yale School of Architecture, Environmental Design Dept. of Bezalel Academy, and holds a doctorate from the National Technical University of Athens. He attended an M.Sc. on Environment and Development at NTUA. He  teaches sustainable design and is the author of numerous articles, two books, and the editor of several catalogues and the first upcoming ECOWEEK publication (in progress). Elias is the founding chairman and coordinator of ECOWEEK.

W4 theme : Helexpo Expo area in the city - the workshop will focus on the design of this vast area in the city center, which acts as a void rather than a connector to city life, proposing new uses and new integration in the city, based on the city needs and conditions. View workshop W4 proposal (PDF)


W5 : FULLY BOOKED - NO LONGER AVAILABLE Thomas Kauertz and Anja Markwart (Germany) are Architect and Civil Engineer respectively, are both assistant lecturers at the HAWK (University of Applied Sciences and Arts) in Hildesheim, Germany, since 2000. Anja and Tom encourage students to think outside the paper and attempt unique and unusual designs.  They are a living example of how the teamwork between Architects and Civil Engineers should be part of any working environment — creative, with mutual respect and trust.  There is no other way.  Architects and Civil Engineers need each other.

W5 theme : Newspapers as a building material - building urban furniture out of newspapers.

View workshop W5 proposal (PDF)


W6 : FULLY BOOKED - NO LONGER AVAILABLE Johannes Peter Steidl (Liechtenstein & Germany) Grew up in Neunburg vorm Wald, Bavaria, studied Architecture at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (OTH), and earned a Master of Science in Architecture at the Sustainable Urban Design Studio at the University of Liechtenstein. Johannes  worked at BudCud Architects in Cracow, Poland, and since 2012 he is working in several projects as a Research Assistant at the Institute of Architecture and Planning, University of Liechtenstein. more

W6 theme : Iconic design to attract people will be the main topic and to improve the actual urban situation of a neglected space near 3rd Septemberiou street. View workshop W6 proposal (PDF)





W7 : FULLY BOOKED - NO LONGER AVAILABLE Urban Soul Project (Greece) and Argjira Krasniqi (Kosovo) Urban Soul Project is an architectural practice, based in Thessaloniki. It provides design, management and construction services for private projects concerning architectural, interior, exhibition design, building restoration. The team maintains a wide skillset of architects, mechanical, civil engineers and interior designers, with a wide range of completed and ongoing projects

Argjira Krasniqi (Kosovo) is an architect at Politbyro-Pharc, graduate of the University of Prishtina, Department of Architecture, with a Master semester in Austria at Vienna University of Technology. She has worked in several architectural and design studios in Kosovo and the US, and was the organizer of the project "The Image of my City" in several cities in Kosovo. 

W7 theme : Homelessness and a design challenge for the issue of homelessness. View workshop W7 proposal (PDF)



W8 : FULLY BOOKED - NO LONGER AVAILABLE  Antonis Semertsidis (Greece) was born and raised in Thessaloniki. He studied Architecture (MEng, AUTh) and Landscape Architecture (MLA, AUTh). Designer and senior engineer in a series of private and public projects, now holding an A2 Grade Construction Certificate. Today he is operating through epmforward – engineering + property management, a company he co-founded in 2014. In the past he has been teaching CAD and Construction Management in the Applied Arts faculty of IEK XINIS (Thessaloniki). He is a member of the technical Chamber of Greece since 2007.

W8 theme : Ski Resort in Nortern Greece: Development and Operation Plan.

W8 is a GREENHOUSE Workshop:  We intend to continue this workshop after ECOWEEK 2015 in Thessaloniki in order to develop the workshop proposal further. The workshop may open to more participants. Stay tuned! More about the ECOWEEK GREENHOUSE here

View workshop W8 proposal (PDF)


W9 : FULLY BOOKED - NO LONGER AVAILABLE Martijn Schildkamp (Holland) Holds a Masters Degree in Architecture from the Technical University of Delft and a Bachelor’s Degree in Architectural Engineering from the Polytechnics in The Hague. Has worked for architecture firms before establishing the Smart Shelter Foundation and the Smart Shelter Consultancy. The Foundation is a non-profit organization, which builds in smart ways in developing countries, and transfers its knowledge of building technology to the local people. Has lectured and led workshops around the world, including USA, Macau, South Korea, Ireland, Indonesia and Singapore. more

W9 theme : The Art of Upcycling architectonics and composition and working with recycled, reclaimed and reused materials. It is a multi-disciplinary workshop, encouraging a diversity of disciplines to join. During the workshop the group will make objects of art, usable products, structural and architectonic solutions with the same type of waste material. View workshop W9 proposal (PDF)


W10 : FULLY BOOKED - NO LONGER AVAILABLE UbuPlan (Greece) architecture firm based in Thessaloniki with: Ilias Venesis, Thanos Oikonomou, Eleni Loukidou, and Olga Kotta. Ilias Venesis architect graduate of AUTH and the Master program of Landsacale Architecture. Has participated in architectural competitions and has worked in architecture firms. Thanos Oikonomou architect, graduate of AUTH and University of Plymouth. Created Riverside Architecture in Trikala before joining UbuPlan in Thessaloniki. Eleni Loukidou architect graduate of AUTH. Has participated in various architectural competitions and the LLP ERASMUS program at Architecture School in Paris. Enrolled in the Strategic Design of Products program of the International University. Olga Kotta architecture student at AUTH has volunteered for Open House Thessaloniki doing her practical training at UbuPlan.

W10 theme : Area of Central Train Station The architectural proposal means to upgrade the features of this area, nodding city’s natural potential in respect to the landscape capability. View workshop W10 proposal (PDF)


W11 : FULLY BOOKED - NO LONGER AVAILABLE 40.22 Architects (Greece)  based in Thessaloniki, founded by Anastasia Papadopoulou and Vanessa Tsakalidou. Anastasia Papadopoulou graduate of AUTH, holds a PhD and a Masters in Landscape Architecture from AUTH. Teaches at the Joint Postgraduate Programme Studies in Landscape Architecture, AUTH, and is completing studies at the School of Applied & Fine Arts, AUTH. Vanessa Tsakalidou graduate of AUTH, attended the Istituto Universitario di Architettura-Venezia, and holds a PhD from AUTH and a Masters in Architectural design from The Bartlett, UCL. Adjunct lecturer at the School of Architecture AUTH, senior editor of ‘KTIRIO’, guest editor for  ‘Architecture in Greece’ and co-author in ‘Modernism and architectural education’. National Selector for Greece, for the Piranesi Award, organized by ‘Piran Days of Architecture’ in Slovenia.

W11 theme : Discovering the unknown city. Designing one characteristic fragment of Thessaloniki's urban wildscape that concentrates great potential and is waiting for its reclamation. View workshop W11 proposal (PDF)


W12 : FULLY BOOKED - NO LONGER AVAILABLE DEMOKRITOS Institute Team: Nikos Kehagias and Ioannis Karatasios with KARD Architects Dimitris Raidis and Alexandros KouloukourisDimitris Raidis has studied architecture in London and holds his diploma in architecture and MCs in Planning from UCL. He has worked manly in north Greece completing many architectural and planning projects. In 2012 he co found with Alexandros Kouloukouris the KARD architects with number of successful key projects in the architecture and planning field at the northen Region.The team has  successfully  collaborated with the Ecoweek in 2012. 

Alexandros Kouloukouris has studied architecture at Westminster University where he got his BA(Hons) degree in 1997. He worked for a year out,in BDGMcColl in Bristol further he continued his postgraduate studies in Oxford Brookes University till 2000 and further acquiring an Msc in Energy Efficient design 2001.From 2003 he operates as an associate and design director of Kouloukouris & associates in Thessaloniki Greece. In 2011 he co found a new architecture design brand with Dimitris Raidis KARD architects.

Nikos Kehagias (Spain & Greece) is Flexible Fabrication Platform Manager at Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) in  Barcelona, Spain. Holding a PhD from the National University of Ireland (Cork), a BSc in Physics (AUTH) and an MSc degree in Physics of laser communications from the University of Essex, UK. His work focuses on the developement of imprint based lithography techniques for the fabrication of polymer devices and structures.  

Ioannis Karatasios (Greece) is researcher  at the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of the National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”. He holds a BSc in Archaeological and Architectural Conservation and a PhD in Conservation Science. His research work focuses on archaeological materials (mortars and ceramics), the pathology of stone  and the development of innovative conservation and building materials. He is the author and co-author of several scientific publications and patents.  

W12 theme : Nanotechnology inpired design. A unique interdisciplinary workshop investigating design solutions based on innovative nanotechnology buildings materials. This workshop is assisted by program STIMULATE , aiming to stimulate the interest of the general public towards the field of Advanced Materials and their role in the creation of a sustainable future. View workshop W12 proposal (PDF)


W13 : FULLY BOOKED - NO LONGER AVAILABLE SPARCH architectural office is based in Athens and Thessaloniki. Has received international and national recognition, with 9 international and national awards and prizes of distinction. SPARCH founders are Rena Sakellaridou and Morpho PapanikolaouRena Sakellaridou holds a Dipl. Arch (AUTH), an M.Arch from UBC (Canada) and a PhD from Bartlett School of Architecture UCL (UK). Associate Professor at the School of Architecture AUTH. Author of “Mario Botta. Architectural Poetics” (Thames and Hudson, 2001 and Rizzoli, 2000). Morpho Papanikolaou holds a Dipl. Arch (Università IUAV di Venezia) with graduate research at IUAV. Visiting Lecturer at IUAV and Adjunct Lecturer at the School of Architecture AUTH. The workshop team includes also the architects: Stamatios Giannikis, Varvara Karaoglou, Kostas Moustakas.

W13 theme : The space in between. The workshop will focus on the design of a temporary living environment, between hospitality atmosphere and ecology experience. View workshop W13 proposal (PDF)















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