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Einar Jarmund (Norway) Born in 1962 in Oslo and graduated from the Oslo School of Architecture in 1987. Einar earned his Master’s degree from the University of Washington in Seattle. Einar taught and worked in Seattle, and has taught in Oslo and Bergen, and was a visiting Professors at Washington University in St. Louis in 2004, at University of Arizona, Tucson in 2005 and at Rhode Island School of design, Providence in 2009. Einar shared a professorship at TH Lund, Sweden from 2007 to 2013. Einer together with Hakon Vigsaes founded Jarmund/Vigsanaes Architects in 1996. more Einar's lecture is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Embassy of Norway.


Michiel Smits (Holland) is an expert in the field of designing and realising development aid projects. He focuses his work on the collaboration between local community and architect, creating a platform with unconventional tools and methodology.

Michiel studied building engineering in Breda, Netherlands  (Baronie College), Interior Design at the St. Joost University, followed by a Bachelor in Architecture at the AVANS University and a Master in Architecture at the TU Delft. Lecturer at AVANS University, he is the Chairman of Back2Africa Foundation and owns his own company, MWM Architectuur. 


Gie Steenput (Holland) studied architecture in Antwerp, Hasselt and Leuven. Worked at the offices of Charles Vandenhove, Liège, Belgium, and Aldo and Hannie van Eyck, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Since 1990 he is Professor in Architecture at Avans University of Applied Science, Tilburg.


Thomas Kauertz (Germany) is an Architect , assistant lecturer at the HAWK (University of Applied Sciences and Arts) in Hildesheim, Germany, since 2000.  Tom encourages students to think outside the paper and attempt unique and unusual designs.  Together with  his partner Anja Markwart are a living example of how the teamwork between Architects and Civil Engineers should be part of any working environment — creative, with mutual respect and trust.  There is no other way.  Architects and Civil Engineers need each other.


Johannes Peter Steidl (Liechtenstein) Grew up in Neunburg vorm Wald, Bavaria, studied Architecture at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (OTH), and earned a Master of Science in Architecture at the Sustainable Urban Design Studio at the University of Liechtenstein. Johannes  worked at BudCud Architects in Cracow, Poland, and since 2012 he is working in several projects as a Research Assistant at the Institute of Architecture and Planning, University of Liechtenstein. more


Martijn Schildkamp (Holland) Holds a Masters Degree in Architecture from the Technical University of Delft and a Bachelor’s Degree in Architectural Engineering from the Polytechnics in The Hague. Has worked for architecture firms before establishing the Smart Shelter Foundation and the Smart Shelter Consultancy. The Foundation is a non-profit organization, which builds in smart ways in developing countries, and transfers its knowledge of building technology to the local people. Has lectured and led workshops around the world, including USA, Macau, South Korea, Ireland, Indonesia and Singapore. more


Nikos Kehagias (Greece & Spain) is Flexible Fabrication Platform Manager at Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) in  Barcelona, Spain. Nikos obtained his PhD from the National University of Ireland (Cork), where he continued as a post-doctoral fellow until 2008. He holds a BSc in Physics (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)  and an MSc degree in Physics of laser communications from the University of Essex, UK. His research work focuses on the study and developement of imprint based lithography techniques for the fabrication of polymer devices and structures. He is the author and co-author of patents and numerous scientific publications.


Theodora Kyriafini & Fotini Lymperiadou euZen Architecture (Greece & Germany) based in Thessaloniki and Pforzheim works in Greece, U.K. and Germany, on projects that range in scale, covering art, interior, garden design, buildings, master and urban planning. ‘euZen Architecture’ is a group of architects whose aim is to offer a holistic approach in designing spaces. The core of the team consists of Theodora Kyriafini, Dipl.-Ing. Technische Hochschule Darmstadt- Germany, Fotini Lymperiadou, DipArch University College London- U.K. Androniki Lymperiadou, DipArch Kingston University- U.K., Konstantinos Despotidis and Antonia Efthimiadou, Dipl. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 'euZen Architecture' acts locally and socially integrating landscape, natural laws and human needs in a sustainable way. The design promotes good health and is conscious of local climate, use of ecological materials as well as low technology methods. 


Bert Luvo (Sweden) is a lecturer at Chalmers University of technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. Bert has a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering, and experience from the construction industry. Bert has been responsible for the Bachelor programs in Built Environment at Chalmers, and for their development. A holistic view has always been emphasized and different disciplines are combined in the programs. Bert has focused on international cooperation and cooperation with industry. Bert's lecture is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Embassy of Sweden.


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