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Koepelhal, Tilburg, the Netherlands

International event for architects, landscape architects, designers and engineers, organized by  ECOWEEK with sustainable design workshops and hands-on interventions in the public space. With keynote lectures, panel discussions, an interdisciplinary design workshops led by experts from Israel and abroad. In cooperation with Holon Institute of Technology (HIT), the Jerusalem Model House at the City Hall of Jerusalem, Enosh Center in Givatayim, Dizengoff Center and other partners, the focus is design, design-build and placemaking activity

proposing sustainable solutions to real sites and communities.

אירוע הבינלאומי לסטודנטים ובעלי מקצוע - כגון אדריכלים, אדריכלי נוף, מעצבים ומהנדסים - של אקוויק המציע סדנאות לעיצוב מקיים והתערבויות במרחב הציבורי. התכנית כוללת הרצאות, הקרנות, סיורים וסדנאות בהנחיית מומחים מהארץ ומחו"ל. בשיתוף עם המכון הטכנולוגי חולון , בית המודל של עיריית ירושלים, דיזנגוף סנטר, מרכז אנוש בגבעתיים  ושותפים נוספים. דגש השבוע הוא על עיצוב, תכנון, אדריכלות, עשייה בשטח, פלייסמיקנג שמציעים פתרונות בני קיימא באתרים וקהילות בעיר.   ראה פוסטר

ECOWEEK is a non-profit non-governmental organization with the mission to raise environmental awareness and to promote the principles of sustainability through design. ECOWEEK is active in 15 countries. ECOWEEK NET has an networκ in more than 50 countries. ECOWEEK was founded and its activity coordinated by its chairman Elias Messinas architect, social entrepreneur, educator, and environmental consultant.


ECOWEEK in the Middle East is organized by the ECOWEEK Team in Israel.


ECOWEEK in the Middle East advisory board includes Dr. Elias Messinas, ECOWEEK Founding Chairman, Dr. Galia Hanoch Roe, Director of the Tel Aviv-Jaffa Communities of the Society for Protection of Nature, and architect Braha Kunda, Faculty of Design at Holon Institute of Technology. 

ECOWEEK promotes sustainability, education and cooperation through sustainable design workshops in cities around the world, to train and inspire professionals and students of Architecture, Design, Landscape Architecture, and Engineering in sustainable design.


ECOWEEK activity is about education, networking and gaining skills and practical training with a special emphasis on sustainable design and 'green' buildings. ECOWEEK participants receive a 'Diploma' of participation.


ECOWEEK has been titled as 'one of the best programs for students in Europe'.


Learn more about ECOWEEK here and the ECOWEEK NET here 

Learn more about the ECOWEEK Greenhouse here

Follow and LIKE ECOWEEK on Facebook here

ECOWEEK 2017 in the Middle East takes place in cooperation with:

Jerusalem Model House

ECOWEEK 2017 in the Middle East is a partner event of:

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