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ECOWEEK 2011 in Krakow, Poland

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ECOWEEK is a non-profit non-governmental organization with the mission to raise environmental awareness and to promote the principles of sustainability through design. 


ECOWEEK is active in 15 countries and ECOWEEK NET has an international network in 54 countries. ECOWEEK activity is coordinated by its founding chairman Elias Messinas architect, educator, environmental consultant, and social entrepreneur.


Special thanks to all the friends, partners, institutions and organizations who supported and made this event possible!



ECOWEEK 2016 Partners





















ECOWEEK 2016 Communication Partners

ECOWEEK organizes international conference and sustainable design workshops in cities around the world, bringing together professionals and students of Architecture, Design, Landscape Architecture, and Environmental Engineering. Participants receive a well-respected ECOWEEK Diploma of participation.


ECOWEEK has been titled as 'one of the best programs for students in Europe'.


ECOWEEK here | ECOWEEK NET here  | ECOWEEK Greenhouse here


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