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P L A C E M A K I N G  I N  O N E  P L A N E T   S e p t e m b e r  1 8  -  2 3  ,  2 0 1 6 

I n t e r n a t i o n a l    C o n f e r e n c e    &    S u s t a i n a b l e    D e s i g n   W o r k s h o p s

A r c h i t e c t u r e ,  D e s i g n  &  h a n d s - o n  d e s i g n - b u i l d  p r o j e c t s  f o r  s t u d e n t s  &  p r o f e s s i o n a l s

E C O W E E K    2 0 1 6

i n  t h e  M i d d l e  E a s t

This fall a special treat awaits young and established professionals and students of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Design: a very special week in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Lod from September 18-23, 2016.


A number of initiatives are taking place today in Israel that address the connection between designers and entrepreneurs, academia, and local community needs. ECOWEEK is aiming to provide a platform where design and community players will come together for an intense one-week workshops that will  benefit all. Design, Architecture and Landscape Architecture students and young professionals from Israel and abroad, will not only engage in meaningful design activity, but will also have the opportunity to engage in specific real design projects in specific sites in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv areas. 




"I found about ECOWEEK through Google search. What attracted me to ECOWEEK was that it offered an alternative from other conferences."


'I am working on sustainable projects in my community, and I want to share, get new ideas, and be in the forefront of what is happening.'


'I am interested in improving our environment as much as possible, and to learn about technology and design solutions in different situations.'


'ECOWEEK encourages gatherings globally with international people who have a vision for architecture.'


I 'love' this kind of interaction between international people who have the same vision, but different ways of achieving it."


"ECOWEEK has truly made a difference in our lives and our profession! :)"

"I cannot go back to normal, mentally I am still on ECOWEEK! It was so amazing!"




Image: ECOWEEK Workshop in Athens, Greece!


A one-week inernational conference and sustainable design workshops with lectures, workshops on One Planet Living communities, placemaking, and sustainable design and green buildings. more


ECOWEEK 2016 in Middle East is taking place within the week on Green Buildings by the Israel Green Building Council.


ECOWEEK events are high quality yet affordable; give opportunities for empowerment and leadership, and enable networking for future professional opportunities. Join us! Registration




  • REGISTRATION is CLOSED. Thank you for joining us!


  • GREENHOUSE  Workshop W8 of ECOWEEK 2015 in Thessaloniki is developing the workshop scheme of the Vasilitsa Ski Resort based on principles of sustainable design and to benefit the local economy and community. The team is headed by architect Antonis Semertsidis. Stay tuned for more updates. More about the ECOWEEK GREENHOUSE here


      DISCOVER ECOWEEK Click on image to view video



  • ECOWEEK BOOK #1 : 50 Voices for Sustainability

       Read online



  • ECOWEEK 2013 in Krakow




  • ECOWEEK 2012 in Rome  Workshop at Valle Aurelia Park 




  • ECOWEEK 2010 in Middle East Workshop at KKL Bersheva




  • ECOWEEK 2013 in Copenhagen  Participant feedback


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