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Interview with Studio LYIL


From the upcoming ECOWEEK in Tilburg Event.

Biophilia | Helathy living

Give us some background on you and your work (studies, past experience, high lights of your career, prizes, etc.).

Studio LYIL is a symbiosis between Architectuurstudio IR en FRAAi Architecten, since 2015 in ‘sHertogenbosch. Our focus in design is on Biophilia and Biomimicry. Biophilla means ‘Love of Life’. Spatial design based on Biophilia reduces stress, promotes cognitive functions, creativity and has a positive influence on our physical and mental health. Biomimicry comes from the Greek word ‘Bios’ (life) and ‘Mimesis’ (mimicking/copying). Nature has 3.8 billion years of experience with research and design. Everything we invented nature has done already and better than us. Without waste, optimising the use of energy and materials. Everything that is designed by nature fits in the ecosystem.

For more information visit the website: &

Biophilia | Experience nature

Architect ir. Ilse van Rosmalen (Architectuurstudio IR) got her architectural degree ‘Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences’ at the Technical University of Delft. She worked for Architectuurstudio Herman Hertzberger and Ssse OvO | architects in Amsterdam, and started her own company Architectuurstudio IR in 2011. Van Rosmalen participated the 6th Healthy Housing Award, with the design “The Membrane House” in Alicante - Spain, the interdisciplinary excellence program Bruto Buurt Geluk, with the design “Plein ’40-’45” in Amsterdam and the contest Duurzaam Drijvend Wonen, with the design “Watermanyata”.

For more information visit the website:

Architect ir. Lydia Fraaije (FRAAi Architecten) got her architectural degree ‘Architecture and Theory’ at the Technical University of Eindhoven. After her study she worked for Venhoeven CS Architecten and started her own company FRAAi architecten in 2006. Since 2013, she is member of BiomimicryNL. Fraaije participated the Amsterdam Light Festival (ALF) with the design “Touching a Nerve” and was jury member for the Illuminade (ALF)). At this moment an autarkic community center in Togo, based on the principles of biomimicry, is being built. And to help architects and designers bring Biomimicry into practice she is writing a book. “De natuur ontwerpt - Biomimicry praktijkboek voor architecten en ontwerpers”.

For more information visit the website:

Watermanyata | Autarkic floating house

What attracted you to join ECOWEEK in Tilburg? Have you participated to ECOWEEK design workshops in the past?

Studio LYIL promotes Biophillia and Biomimicry by giving lectures and workshops in relation to city planning, architecture en interior. The built environment can only can survive by implementing the principles of nature and finding a balanced partnership with our ecosystem. Our job is to open a collective mind about how to implement these principles in daily practice. The Ecoweek is an excellent opportunity to learn, inform and rise an interest about this theme. What is the theme of your workshop in Tilburg? Who are the members of your team? What are your expectations of the workshop?

Our workshop “An introduction to Nature Inspired Design” at the Ecoweek is about designingdwellings in an old school building within a specific ecosystem. The participants will learn how todesign with nature in mind, with a focus on one of the following theme’s: use of urban space, wastemanagement, energy consumption and productions, water-, wind-, light- en temperature management,bio-based materials, re-use and re-cycling, health, disassembly and innovation building materials. Forus, Biomimicry is THE bio-inspired approach to design our future.

Please share link(s) to your work.

For more information visit the website:

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